March 17, 2023

The Newest Addition to Virtual Hangar™: AC-130J Ghostrider

The Air Force's Virtual Hangar™ training platform has just welcomed its newest addition: the AC-130J Ghostrider. This aircraft is heavily armed, has 4 turboprop engines, carries a crew of 9, and its primary use is for close air support, armed reconnaissance, and air interdiction.To ensure that virtual training modules for aircraft maintainers are state-of-the-art, our team collaborated with AFSOC at Hurlburt Field in north Florida. Our ability to create personalized virtual training solutions for AFSOC means that they can train their personnel more efficiently and effectively, ultimately improving mission outcomes.We extend our sincere gratitude to the 1st Special Operations Maintenance Group and 1st Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron for hosting this important event.